
Removes any items in the list that are not type A and returns a MutableCollection<A> with the remaining items.

The mutable equivalent to Collection.filterIsInstance.

Note: this function removes in-place only if A is a MutableList, otherwise it clears the collection and re-adds the values.

Removes any items in the list that are not type A and returns a MutableList<A> with the remaining items.

The mutable equivalent to List.filterIsInstance.

sealed interface Item {
data class SoldOut(val name: String) : Item
data class Available(val name: String, val remaining: Int) : Item

data class Catalog(val items: List<Item>)

fun filterAvailable(catalog: Catalog) =
catalog.copy {

The returned value is a typed mutable collection where we can do further modifications with the right type, saving you having to do further type checks.

.mutateAll { item -> item.remaining-- }

Removes any items in the list that are not type A and returns a MutableSet<A> with the remaining items.

The mutable equivalent to Set.filterIsInstance.